National Integration in India - Research Paper
India is a vast country with a huge population . The vast population following different cultures and religions ; and ; belongs to different castes and sub- castes , races and communities. Thus, national integration of India invariably depends on the integrity of its citizens. These are people who constitute a society or nation. Society or nation is nothing without its people . Individual existence is a reality ; while society or nation is a myth. Nation exists because individuals. Thus , the integration of the nation's only manifestation of individual integrity . Furthermore, in India , integration does not mean centralization. In India , it means unity in diversity , in which the components and all are equally valid and mutually interdependent. It can be rightly said that people is the pillar on which the whole edifice of the nation stands . And it is in this sense that national integration is more myth than reality , more of a dream than actually boleezaduman demagogues than the current reality. To achieve the dream of national integration in India , it is very necessary to integrate its citizens. And the integration of its citizens is not a chore . Citizens face problems of economic inequality and extreme poverty ; Maintain socio -economic inequalities between and within rural and urban segments of the people ; casteism , communalism and religious fundamentalism ; and political populism and political exploitations. Because of the problems , national integration in India still remains as a myth . Socio- economic inequality in India is a legacy of centuries of history . Inequality in India's past was consecrated rigid caste system that commanded profession by accident of birth in this family and jati . Feudalism is another big factor in the institutional inequality. In loopholes in land reforms and ceiling on agricultural holdings retained most of the former landowners .
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The range of papers that we write comprises essays, research papers, book and film reviews, term papers, thesis statements, dissertations, cover letters, writing service, resumes and a lot of other types.